09:15 Registration desk opens
09:45 Welcome & Conference opening
10:00 Keynote 1: “European Space Agency”,
Pascal Lecomte, ESA
10:45 Coffee
11:15 Session 1: HDR and HW
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Session 2: Applications
15:45 Tea
16:15 Keynote 2: “Seeing the unseeable - X-ray tomography and 3D visualisation in current research”,
Dr Katherine J. Dobson, Manchester X-ray Imaging Facility
16:40 Lab Tour and pre-dinner drinks in Diamond Light Source Reception
18:45 Conference Dinner:
(gather for coach transport)
09:15 Facilities Special Talk Lasers and Hartree
10:00 Coffee
10:30 Session 3: Visualization
12:15 Lunch
13:00 EGUK AGM
13:30 Session 4: Geometry
15:00 Tea
15:30 Keynote 3: “Who Needs Paradata?",
Dr Anna Bentkowska-Kafel, King's College London
16:30 Closing Remarks and award of prizes
16:40 Hand over to Bath for TP.CG’13 (EGUK 2013)
16:50 End of conference