We are pleased to announce the tutorial:
"An introduction to the OptiX Ray Tracing engine"
Dr. Steven G. Parker, NVidia
Director of HPC & Computational Graphics
Abstract. The OptiX engine is a programmable ray tracing system designed for NVIDIA GPUs and other highly parallel architectures. Through a highly programmable shader system, a developer can express operations for ray generation, material shading, and scene traversal. This enables the implementation of a highly diverse set of ray tracing-based algorithms and applications: interactive rendering, offline rendering, collision detection systems, artificial intelligence queries, or scientific simulations such as sound propagation. We will demonstrate the OptiX shaders and show how they can be combined for interactive high-quality rendering.
Dr. Steven Parker is Director of HPC & Computational Graphics at NVIDIA and leads the OptiX development team. He has been involved in interactive ray tracing for over a decade, and has been chief architect several ray tracing systems culminating in OptiX. In addition, he has published over 100 technical articles on graphics, high-performance computing and software engineering. He is adjunct faculty and teaches a graduate course on ray tracing at the University of Utah. Dr. Parker has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Utah and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma.