TPCG Conference 2004 Logo
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2004
Organised by EGUK


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Instruction to Authors

Below we provide the style guides for authors on how to prepare papers for publication at the EG-UK conference using the IEEE Computer Society style.

These style files are from the IEEE Computer Society web site:

Microsoft Word




LaTeX stylefile (.sty)

LaTeX example (.tex) LaTeX example (.bib) LaTeX example (.bst) LaTeX art10.sty

Note.The Microsoft Word(tm) and LaTeX.tex files are prepared in the style to be adopted.

Please include with each submission:

  1. the contact author,
  2. the contact information (address, email, phone, fax ) and
  3. the submission category.
see the CFP for the categories, and where to send your papers.

Only papers presented in the above style can be included in the proceedings, and must reach the programme chair by the CRC submission deadline.
Please note that submissions are limited to 8 pages using the above style.